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    My journey this lifetime has been wild, emotional, heartbreaking, ecstatic, joyous, and beautiful. The ebbs & flows, storms & calm seas are all an essential part of this experience on Earth. Both the light and the shadow are our teachers. I've been called many things: coach, healer, light-worker, artist, friend, mother, daughter, wife...What I know, is that I'm called and driven to help others, as well, in finding & living into their innate genius. Their purpose. Passion. Mission. And devotion to living the most magical, soul-aligned life they can. “

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    Hi! I'm Sarah

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    So often, we are searching for clarity on what the purpose of our lives is and we feel torn in so many directions. There are so many possibilities, so many options and often, none of them feel right, or contrarily, all of them feel right. We’re waiting for the "aha" moment to hit us with the sudden, powerful, clarity of KNOWING what we yearn for. We hope that in this moment, all of the fears we have been holding on to, will just disappear. 

    The truth is, we rarely encounter sudden clarity like this. Sometimes we do … but it’s clarity in the moment … clarity about something in the NOW. Following through on the clarity and messages that come through is where the big work really begins.  Clarity is a constant unfolding. It’s learning to listen to our intuition. It's knowing what it is that we need to do in this very moment. What is it that will guide us to our next step, in the next moment. It listening to each little knowing and acting on it. 

    Purpose unfolds. It opens slowly like a blooming flower … unfurling one petal at a time. We don’t need to know everything at once. We, like flowers, don’t bloom in an instant. 

    Finding beauty in your purpose

    My purpose is to be the light I am, as fully as I can. My purpose is to shine so brightly, that my light seeps into the cracks in the shells of other beings, seeps into their darkest corners, and unleashes their own light. My purpose is to help others to dissolve those shells they’re living in so they, too, can shine their light fully. 

    My purpose is to help to transform this world by helping others to access their gifts, their light, their inner wisdom, their purpose, their creative genius, so that together, we can heal this planet. We are beacons of light. 

    I’m here to help others to see their own light and be able to access it and to find the bravery to step into their power, to create and contribute to this world something beautiful and meaningful. 

    To be the light. For myself.
    For others.

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    My Purpose

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    Does this sound like you?

    You are a growth-oriented human…spiritual, seeking, and free-spirited at your core. 

    Your Struggle: You know you have gifts and contributions to offer to the world…a deeper purpose…but for a myriad of reasons, you’re just not doing it. You get in your own way with procrastination, excuses, fear, self-doubt, confusion, being to “busy” and continually changing your mind about what it is that you want to put your energies towards. That voice in your head keeps telling you you’re going to fail. You are scared of being fully seen. You are afraid that if you let people see who you really are, you'll be rejected. You are afraid that your gifts aren’t good enough. You feel trapped by the confines of this society. You deeply want to emerge and blossom, but you’re just not sure how to do it. 

    Your Hopes & Joy: You know you want to have a deep and true impact in this world. You want to set yourself free to fully be who you are at your core. You want to spend more time doing the things you LOVE…traveling, being with friends, creating, basking in the beauty of the world around you. You want to follow your heart and center your life around the things you’re passionate about. You want to believe in yourself, to embrace your beauty, to be confident in who you are…to step into your power and SHINE! You want to expand into the fullest, most beautiful version of yourself. You want to be spiritually connected and aligned with your purpose. You deeply & passionately want to spread love & help humanity while sharing the gifts you were blessed with. 

    I see you, and I can help. I've walked this same road and I know what it means to choose differently. To live differently. You can too. 

    Work with me


    Sarah Medina helped me on every level of my life. She gave me practical weekly homework, met with me every week and led me though meditations and activities that led to best practices in my business, my heart and my life. Sarah met me where I was at with no judgement and was absolutely ready to inspire. I especially got a lot out of the inner work we did together. We went so deep into my own personal barriers and what was holding me back from success and vitality. She has a hundred tricks up her sleeve for helping with this and I benefited from them all. I especially liked working on my vitality recipe. I continue practicing these skills a year later! Not only did I see immediate results, but I also got incredibly clear on what my gifts are and how I can share them with the world. I highly recommend working with Sarah Medina if you want to take your work , business and life to a whole new level of permission, insight and bliss. She is magical and empathetic while at the same time being organized and challenging is all the right ways. She is worth every penny, sign up with her today!


    My sessions with Sarah went way beyond accountability. She methodically walked me through identifying my mental blocks and obstacles and then guided me through figuring out solutions and the exact baby steps I could take to progress toward my goal. After my very first session with her, I gained clarity around a business idea I hadn't yet shared with anyone, and I left our call knowing exactly which steps I would take next. When I get off the phone with her, I have experienced so many shifts in my thinking that my mind is humming and I feel more aligned with myself and my purpose.

    With Sarah's help, I've been able to clearly define my goals, visualize the path, identify obstacles, and most importantly, take clear, focused action that leads to results. Sarah has helped me in multiple aspects of my life from my health to my business. If you want massive results, you definitely want Sarah in your corner.


    Sarah has really helped me harness my artistic side. When I first went to her I was in so much denial of it because I was so scared of failing, for really using it for my career and just using it in general. Amazing things have happened since I've harnessed this. [I've become part of] an incredible poetic community, drawing has been off the chain. When I reflect back on how much I've changed and how much my heart has opened...Sarah, a HUGE, HUGE thank you! If you're considering working with Sarah, I highly recommend it. Such a kind soul, so motivating, so perceptive, smart and intuitive.

    Working with Sarah helped me to make a head and heart connection which was an important aspect in building my business. Through her coaching I was able to recognize patterns in my thinking and behaviors that were holding me back from accomplishing my goals. Once I was able to align my outter actions with my inner purpose things really fell into place for me. Thank you Sarah!



    I have grown in leaps and bounds since Sarah became my coach!! She offers the perfect balance of skill and intuition. Through working with Sarah regularly I have uncovered some deeply ingrained beliefs/stories I did not even know I had, and allowed me to bust through them to actualize my true potential!! Truly grateful. If you are considering working with a coach, she is the one to choose!!!

    Working with Sarah was instrumental in creating a clear and strategic framework for building the foundation of my travel company. I really value and appreciate Sarah's positive and supportive approach, by tuning into the essence of who I am and my unique goals. Her source of intuition really backed my confidence in committing to action-able steps to my career goals. I feel more brave in following through in what I came here to do in the world by working with Sarah as my coach. That is fundamental and pivotal in growing forward!



    Sarah has the innate intuition to use the information you are giving her, and guide you to the other side of whatever it is you are working on. This past year has been a crazy year of transition and deadlines. I am in school, running my own business and I was also moving for the first time in 8 years. Sarah's guidance was crucial in getting me to land on my feet and in the right place to launch into a new exciting phase of my life. I would recommend Sarah as a coach to anyone who has a lot of irons in the fire, and who knows they could benefit from a little objective and intuitive coaching on the most effective way to take your fire to the next level.
